Adam Lim

Age: 17
Height: 6'3" (188cm)
Weight: 193 lbs. (91kg)
Hair: Short, brown, dred-locks
Eyes: left eye green, right eye yellow
Birthdate: December 7th 1982
Birthplace: Wutai
Occupation: Ninja
Weapon: A large Rune Sword,Throwing daggers, Nunchuckus
Armor: Carbon Bangle, Diamond Arm
Materia: Bolt, Restore, Njacka (unused stil)

At first glance you would think of him as an evil person. He is quiet, and always in deep thought. His hooded cloak covers his face at times, causing you to belive that he is plotting against you. When you get to know him better, he will open up more to you, but only slightly. He never trusts someone he doesn't know well enough. Inside him is a caring and kind human being, though you might not see that at first. He loves the world around him, and loves giving people little hints to how the Planet works.

He barely ever shows expression, and that can be pointed at his years of Ninja training. Not knowing him, and how he acts is a huge disadvantage because you can learn alot from him, even though he is so young. Adam has a difficult time, telling people how he feels. He also does not like to get too involved with people, relationship-wise, unless he has known them for a long peiod of time. This is probably because many people he knew and cared for, died, and he does not want to feel that pain again. He is sensitive for others none the less, but sometimes it would be hard to tell if he was really being nice, or if it was his duty to be nice........

Combat. Adam has had many battles before, and has excelled in them. As a Ninja, Adam reached the 7th level of training. That level is the highest, but you then go off to do further training in another part of the world that not even he knows about. He will be quick to defend, his peers. Though he is kind, when it comes to battle, he will fight to the death. Anyone that appears to be a threat to him or his friends will be fought. That is the way he was trained, that is the way he acts. Fighting is most definetly one of his greatest "subjects". He is skilled in many arts of combat, including swordsmanship, hand-to-hand, throwing weapons, and materia usage. His near stealth-like abilities, make him a great fighter to have in a battle. Though, he will be the first to tell you, he does not have that brute strength.

Shinra has brought Adam so much pain and hurt, but he still doesn't see the need to viciously attack. He is a defensive person, and will always wait for that first move. That sometimes can be an advantage or disadvantage. He has vowed to get revenge on Shinra for what they are doing to the Planet, and for destroying all the happiness in his life. The Shinra are but one peice in a huge war against all evil, in Adam's mind. When he came to Midgar and joined the Marauders, Adam found himself brutaly fighting against Shinra. When he saw the entire picture, he noticed how many innocent people had died because of him, and his senseless actions. So he set himself apart from that faction, and is now in search of those who choose to do fight with honour............

Not many people know about his past or who he his. He is a man of mystery. One day, he will find the answers to his everlasting questions. That day will be sooner or later. Only time will tell.....
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