Player Information Name (or alias): Joe E-mail Address: the_kidney located at host Age: 17 Gender: male ICQ/AIM/Yahoo Pager! (etc): ICQ: 37865168 AIM: xylemcell or geegza36 Yahoo Pager!: the_kidney Other notes: --- Character Quick Reference (Keep these fields short.) **Name: Nas Caesar **Age: 19 **Occupation: Works for Shin-Ra, professional Rufus look-alike **General Appearance: <---- for picture **Personality: He is cocky, with the talent to back it up. And if his sheer skills arent enough to kill you, the legion of Shin-Ra guards who support him will. Shows his opponent a fake weakness, and when his opponnent tries to exploit it, he'll strike. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Name: Nas Caesar -Age: 19 -Race: human -Birthday: July 17th -Gender: Male -Height: 5'8" -Weight: 156 -Hair (color and style): Red full hair, takes care of his hair more than he should. Styles it similar to Rufus, because yet again, he's his impersonator. -Eyes: Brown -Complexion: Clear, light, glows along with his flowing red hair. -Voice: Similar to Rufus's voice, but contains a slight slang from his years in Gongaga. -Build: Small, athletic, and quick -Facial Features: Nothing too major, similar to Rufus -Identifying Marks: None whatsoever, the complete replica of Rufus -Dress/Clothing/Jewelry: Wears expensive designer suits when at work, but at his leisure times sports clothing which resembles those worn -General Appearance: At a breif glance, it's Rufus. At a long, hard look it's Rufus. Any questions? ;oD ~~ -Occupation: Shin-Ra employee, President Rufus look-alike. -Secondary Skills: Nas is great with numbers, thus making a great accountant and he can do things in his head easily without requiring too much time. -Extra abilities: Is an expert at dart throwing, and can hit a target from 100 meters away. -Hobbies: Messes around with Shin-Ra blue-prints and battleplans and configures them to where he thinks they would better work. Shin-Ra never authorizes his ideas, but he keeps it up until he becomes recognized. ~~ -Personality: When not impersonating Rufus, he is usually laid back and takes a light, non-serious outlook on everything which comes his way. If he gets work he doesn't like from the executives above him, he does a half-assed job that barely gets done. He happens to be a bit sarcastic to the wrong people and he happens to procrastinate quite a bit. ~~ -Background: He was born in Gongaga, and was about 6 when the reactor exploded. At such a young age, he was amused at what he saw, the dead bodies, the mourning, the tragedy. After the age of 13, he traveled to Wutai to learn a few skills, and learned some of the ancient customs and the knowledge of the spirits which lived in the hills. He was 15 when the Wutai wars broke out, and he was paid by Shin-Ra to be a scout for the the Shin-Ra to get beneathe there plans and strike before Wutai had the chance. That's where he met Rufus, who was the same age as he. They became friends, going out in the cover of night, where young Nas and Rufus stumbled to the mountains behind Wutai. The spirits were then displeased with Nas, and chose to curse him because he happened to turn his back on Wutai and it's people. The spirits turned him into the image of the enemy, into the image of Rufus. Since then, Nas has been training under numerous generals in the Shin-Ra forces and often vistits reactors as his counterpart Rufus. ~~ -Affiliation/Organization: Shin-Ra -Reputation with various groups: Doesn't have one, he was not yet been identified as an imposter. ~~ -Mother: Beth Caesar -Father: Hugo Caesar -Siblings: none -Mate: none -Children: none -Pets: none -Birthplace: Gongaga -Current Residence: Junon ~~ -Weapons: Razor sharp, poison tipped shurikens -Armour: Mythril armlet with 6 materia slots, 0-0 0-0 0 0 -Materia: Death Blow, Bio 3, steal, haste, and contain -Other items: A pen and a pad to doodle on while bored. ~~ -Other notes: Often wears bandages around his ribs and chest due to an injury which occured in a peace keeping mission in Mideel.